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NTCA Indigenous Real Jobs Program

NTCA Indigenous Real Jobs Program

The Pastoral Real Jobs Program is a progressive and innovative employment program that engages, trains and supports young Indigenous people for employment in the Northern Territory pastoral industry.

The Pastoral Real Jobs Program is a progressive and innovative employment program that engages, trains and supports young Indigenous people for employment in the Northern Territory pastoral industry.

The NTCA operates the Pastoral Real Jobs Program in partnership with the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC). The program began in 2008 with the aim of increasing Indigenous participation in Australia’s northern pastoral

The NTCA employs two full time staff in the role of Project Coordinator, Casey Ellis, and Field Officer, Stewart Foster, to coordinate and mentor the program. These roles provide high quality leadership, management and administration for the project, along with development and collaboration with industry, government and other organisations, and statutory reporting.

The program aims to connect young people into the program for two years. Year 1 for training and placement, Year 2 in sustainable, more independent employment. In its years of operation, the program delivered the following outcomes for the Northern Territory:

  • Trained and mentored participants to develop their personal capacity to work at industry-level standards
  • Placed Indigenous young people into jobs on Northern Territory cattle stations (18 to 28 years old)
  • Provided opportunities for skilled Indigenous trainees to have a lasting role in the NT pastoral industry
  • Assisted the NT pastoral industry to meet labour requirements in a changing age
  • Fostered mutual cross-cultural awareness between non-Indigenous and Indigenous young Australians living and working together on NT cattle stations
  • Cultivated a rise in role models within Indigenous Communities, in the heritage of Aboriginal Stockmen
  • Delivered a range of cultural, social, economic and environmental benefits to participants and their families, along with communities and organisations

Indigenous Real Jobs Program Application Form​