Rural Aid provides critical support to farmers affected by natural disaster through financial, water, fodder and volunteer assistance. Rural Aid welcomes farmers and producers to register for our services or support on our website www.ruralaid.org.au
If you have been impacted by a natural disaster, you may be eligible for:
- financial assistance to support your recovery efforts,
- domestic water supply using licenced, local water carters,
- and fodder support.
Primary producers registered with Rural Aid, their families and farm workers, can access our FREE counselling service by calling our intake line on 1300 175 594
For more information about Rural Aid’s range of assistance for primary producers registered with Rural Aid, visit Services Provided – Rural Aid – Supporting Rural Communities or contact us on 1300 327 624.
If farmers need help with the clean up, or just a helping hand around their property, they can place both paid and volunteer jobs on our Farm Army website. We have thousands of paid and volunteer workers looking to help support Australian farmers. Visit www.farmarmy.com.au for more details.