Our Board

The NTCA Board is made up of a Chair and Deputy Chair for each of the four branches, plus the President, NTCA National Farmers Federation representative and the NTCA Cattle Council of Australia representative. All members of the Board selflessly commit their time and resources to further the interest of the cattle producers of the Northern Territory.

NTCA Board Members​

Henry Burke

Consolidated Pastoral Company


Top End Branch

Sam McBean

Northern Agriculture and Livestock


Don White

DK Grazing Company

Deputy Chair

Katherine Branch

Justin Dyer

APN Pty Ltd


Des Carey

Rallen Pty Ltd

Deputy Chair

Barkly Branch

Mary Vaughan

Australian Agricultural Company


Michael Johnson

Australian Agricultural Company

Deputy Chair

Alice Springs Branch

Nicole Hayes

Undoolya Station


David Driver

Elkedra Pastoral Co Pty Ltd

Deputy Chair

National Peak Body Representative

Ross Stanes

Lyndavale Cattle Company

National Farmers Federation