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Our History

The Pastoral Industry of the Northern Territory

Pastoralism was one of the first industries to be established in the Northern Territory (NT) and drove the early settlement of the Territory. Over the next 150 years the pastoral industry became a key component in the development of the Territory and the backbone of the economy.

The pastoral industry remains a significant contributor to the NT economy, and a fundamental driver of income and employment in the regional areas of the NT. The significant growth potential of the pastoral industry has been identified as critical to the long term economic growth of the Territory and a key driver in future employment and export revenue.

NT cattle producers supply a diverse range of Australia’s markets, both export and domestic, and have a reputation as a reliable supplier of high-quality, naturally produced beef and live animals.

The extensive grazing systems of pastoral enterprises cover approximately 45% of the NT land mass, an area in excess of 700,000km2

The Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association

The NT Cattlemen’s Association (NTCA) was formed in April 1984 when the three peak bodies that made up the Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Council (NTCC) amalgamated to form a single, unified organisation to represent the cattle producers of the NT. On the 11th of July 1984, the NTCA held its inaugural meeting in Tennant Creek.

Within one year of its establishment, the NTCA was representing 117 full members, accounting for over 1 million head of cattle (77% of the NT herd at the time).

Today the NTCA is the peak primary industry body for NT pastoralists, representing 90% of the Territory’s pastoral industry, ranging from small family operations and Indigenous-owned enterprises to large corporate organisations.

The NTCA continues to advance and protect the interests of cattle producers in the NT.

Industry Snippets