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Biosecurity is a critical issue impacting Northern Australian beef productions systems with two Emergency Animal Diseases (EAD) being prevalent in our neighbouring countries. These diseases are Foot-and-mouth (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD), both of which Australia is currently free from. Our proximity to Southeast Asia, which now has multiple outbreaks of these diseases, poses an increased risk of an incursion into Australia, particularly in the North.

Northern Territory, Queensland and Western Australia have joined forces to face the increasing biosecurity threats with the establishment of the Northern Australian Coordination Network (NACN).

NACN is a federally funded initiative encompassing Northern State and Territory Governments as well as leading Industry bodies working in collaboration to strengthen disease surveillance and preparedness coordination capabilities across the North. The establishment of the network supports existing national priorities, strategies, and plans for actions to strengthen northern Australia’s preparedness for potential EAD incursions and significant disease incidents (SDI).

NTCA, in partnership with the KPCA and QLD Agforce will extend the work undertaken by the NACN to pastoralists and industry stakeholders through a range of communications, training and industry engagement activities. In addition to these activities the NTCA will be engaging with pastoralists in partnership with the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (DITT) to build business resilience capacity through a range of producer tools and training opportunities. 


NTCA has employed two biosecurity liaison officers that will extend the work of the NACN and provide assistance to our members on all things biosecurity and business resilience. Our liaison officers also provide the opportunity for stakeholders to participate in the NACN through channelling industry ideas and feedback through the network.

If you have ideas that may assist in strengthening disease surveillance and preparedness capabilities, we want to hear from you!

Our biosecurity officers are mobile and endeavour to engage with all pastoralists across the NT. Services to our member provided by our biosecurity liaison officers include:

  • On-property Biosecurity consultations
  • Emergency Animal Disease Awareness Training
  • Biosecurity Management Plan development
  • Disease reporting, advice and assistance

Further Information



Template – LPA Biosecurity management plan:
lpa-on-farm-biosecurity-plan-template-form.pdf (

Template – Prepare your business to survive an EAD:
Preparing your business to survive an emergency animal disease outbreak (

Printable Awareness Poster – Foot & Mouth Disease

Printable Awareness Poster – Lumpy Skin Disease

Differential Diagnoses for LSD –

For any and all enquiries regarding our biosecurity development, please contact the below:

Ceny Hussie –

Jess Daniels –