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About Us

The Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association

Who Are We?

For almost 40 years, the NTCA has been the voice of Northern Territory cattle producers on issues affecting them. From live export bans, through to infrastructure development, environmental management and land stewardship – the NTCA supports industry by making sure that the practices and contributions our members make are valued by all levels of Government and the community.

The NTCA makes a commitment to its members, that we will be there for industry on its best day and on its worst. We are a constant in an ever-evolving landscape. Our voice will always speak on behalf of our members.

For more than 150 years the pastoral industry has been the backbone of the Northern Territory economy. For 40 of those years, the NTCA has been there alongside it, and we will be there for the next 150 years!

NT Pastoral Map

Download the latest NT PASTORAL MAP here.