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Strengthen Territory Biosecurity and join the Livestock Biosecurity Team

There has never been a more critical time for Biosecurity in northern Australia with emergency animal disease threats at our doorstep!

As part of the Biosecurity team with the Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade, you will make a valuable contribution to help protect the Territory livestock industries against animal pests and diseases. You will also support communities and industry in reducing the social and economic impact of animal pests and diseases, and support the development of sustainable agribusiness and economic development in the Territory.

Biosecurity is fundamental to the health, wellbeing and prosperity of all Territorians.

Work with us. We build careers. Not just provide a job.

The following ongoing positions in the Livestock Biosecurity team are now open:

Livestock Biosecurity Operations Manager
Apply before 9 October 2022 here: Jobs – Livestock Biosecurity Operations Manager (
Livestock Biosecurity Officers (roles across the Territory in Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek and Alice Springs)
Apply before 20 October 2022 here: Jobs – Regional Livestock Biosecurity Officer (

For more information about living in the Territory go to Why move to the Territory | Australia’s Northern Territory

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